I began this blog for 2 reasons. One is to work through my
health issues and the second is to discover what it is that I want to be when I
grow up. I
have always said that I would never grow up because that meant getting old, but
as the years go by I realize that we are only as old as we let ourselves
become. In my mind, I will always be 25. This being said, at the age of 50, I
realize that I really need to stop doing what I feel obligated to do and begin
doing what I want to do. If anyone
out there has a suggestion as to what this might be, please feel free to jump
on in!
While I was thinking about what I
wanted to be when I grow up, I thought of someone that I met a couple of weeks
ago. I cannot get this person out of my mind. It is also (I think anyway), an
interesting story….
I had finished the end of a 10-hour day at work at the end
of a 45-hour week and decided to go for a pedicure. I was sitting in the chair
when for lack of a better description; a whirlwind blew into the shop. The tiniest
woman that I have ever seen came in and asked for a pedicure. She was petite and blonde, she
probably didn’t weigh 80 lbs but had a presence unlike anyone that I had ever
seen before. She sat down beside me and started talking to me. At first, I
thought “Oh, I so want to just be quiet”, but after 5 minutes, I was
fascinated. By the time I left the
shop, I felt like I had known her forever. She gave me her business card and her personal cell phone
number and told me to call her if I ever needed anything.
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